ADHD Life Support
by Susan McGinnis of ADHD Impact Coaching
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ADHD Remembering v. Knowing
Is it about remembering, or could it be about knowing?
Your Life Practice
Viewing your daily life as a practice can change how you think about what you do, and why.
ADHD Masking or Social Learning?
I’ve been thinking about the difference between social learning and what is known as “masking,” or the effort to be like others.
Better Mornings with ADHD
Why are mornings so hard, with ADHD? It’s a common but underserved topic for individuals and families with ADHD, with major implications for family life, school, and working life.
Being With Others, With ADHD
Two book recommendations on how to facilitate social learning, that might also help you understand how to create the kind of connection you crave.
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome
Internal distraction has a name of Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome, which is often part of ADHD. Finding ways to support engagement is possible, and the best way to start is by understanding.
ADHD, Creativity - and Anxiety
When thoughts are over-focused on “what does it mean” instead of understanding “what happened,” the result is “drama,” or stories that get in the way of clear thinking.
Coaching for ADHD Frustration
ADHD creates continual frustration, as both an internal and external block for the ability to get your needs met. And when expectations of life, of other people, create feelings of pressure, executive function becomes that much harder to access!
Awareness as an Executive Function in ADHD Management
Bringing awareness into the category of skills for ADHD management is the value of ADHD coaching for adults.
Time Tips for ADHD
Managing time with ADHD includes using visuals and language that help to conceptualize the flow of time, and “the future” - to make time real.
Is ADHD Life Coaching Right for You?
Making the decision to get coaching? Here are some points to consider about readiness:
The Right Amount of Challenge for ADHD
What is the right amount of challenge for you? That keeps you engaged, but not panicked or hopeless?
Supporting Your Coaching Decision
Making the decision to get the support of a coach may be hard. ADHD itself make contribute to that difficulty.
How an ADHD Coach Supports Executive Functioning
ADHD “tips and tricks” are typically not helpful without first exploring the nature of the difficulty for each individual, because each of us is different in our thinking as well as our abilities.
Life with ADHD: Susan on the Speaking Candidly with Candace Podcast
ADHD Coach Susan McGinnis speaks with Candace Schoner on her mental health podcast, Speaking Candidly With Candace, October 2022
ADHD Parents: How to Play with Your Kid
ADHD adults can have a really hard time spending time with their kids. Does any parent necessarily know how to play with their child?
Doing the Work for Happiness - Podcast Recommendation
ADHD seems to just come with bouts of restless dissatisfaction that can spiral into depression, result in impulsive decisions, and just make it hard to be around.
Hear Susan on “Owning Your ADHD” with Jeff Copper of Attention Talk Radio
Susan McGinnis of ADHD Impact Coaching with Jeff Copper on the Attention Talk Radio podcast #248: Owning ADHD
Traveling With ADHD?
Travel presents challenges for people with ADHD. On a recent trip to beautiful Italy, I became very aware of how much bandwidth it takes me to manage all of my sensations - and in addition, try to be present to, and enjoy, where I am!
How to Put Yourself to Sleep
Sleep is often dysregulated with ADHD, yet adequate sleep is very important for self-regulation. Sleep is restorative and supports memory and learning. Here are some ideas on how to help yourself rest, and sleep.