Interrupt? Make a Parking Lot for your ADHD Thoughts

In conversation, she said, “I’m going to make a note of that in my “parking lot” and we can come back to it later.”

Shazam! What a concept! How have I not hear this before?

We with ADHD who interrupt others - or ourselves! - lest we forget what we want to say!

Who experience great anxiety that our brilliant ideas will be lost forever, if not expressed immediately!

Whose thoughts range widely in conversation and demand to be set free!

Now I have a term and a tool to use for this common ADHD problem.

By writing down my thoughts in a special parking lot of their own, I will 1) not lose them and 2) buy myself some time to consider whether they should be introduced now, later, or never.

ADHD Life Support is the blog of
Susan McGinnis, CALC of ADHD Impact Coaching LLC
Coaching adults with ADHD


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