ADHD and Money: How to Think About Financial Choices

Financial behaviors have a lot of impact on your future self.

ADHD and "planning for the future" typically don't work together very well. Unless you intentionally consider what you want for your future self, you may not like what you get. Here's some ideas on how to think about what you do with money.

To encourage thoughts on how your choices today reflect your goals for the future, I’m sharing this recent HBR podcast, in which Youngme Moon, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, and Mihir Desai share thoughts on saving, spending, and investing - including the value of making a distinction between investing and consuming.

The segment on money runs about 12 minutes, starting from 3 minutes in.

HBR Podcast: HBR After Hours, Episode #7: Biggest Money Mistakes People Make

ADHD Life Support is the blog of
Susan McGinnis, CALC of ADHD Impact Coaching LLC
Coaching adults with ADHD


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