Podcast Recommendation: Communication Skills for Strong Relationships

With all the disruption of daily life around the Covid-19 virus, I hope that you will think to do something that grounds you during this time of anxiety; cooking and gardening seem to be popular, and I guess that is the nurturing nature of those activities.

And because many of us are at home with family members more than usual, I wanted to continue the focus from my last post and share this podcast from one of my favorites, ADHD Essentials by Brendan Mahan.

In the episode “Bids and Turning Towards,” the guest is Dr. Don Cole, the Clinical Director of the Gottman Institute. In this episode Dr. Cole talks about the “rituals of connection,” and it struck me as an important concept to understand that humans have these rituals.

The ADHD mind focuses on inner experience, and relationships with others can suffer from lack of care and attention. Part of an intentional ADHD life is learning to use communication skills to build strong relationships.

In this podcast, I appreciated Dr. Cole’s examples of how we can both set boundaries for ourselves and give others the attention they need.

For parents, this discussion includes recognizing that a child who seems too attention-seeking is in fact not getting the kind of attention they need.

As often happens, at least in my opinion, a lot of the good stuff happens between the half-way point and the conclusion, so I advise listening to the entire show. The link to this show is below:

ref: ADHD Essentials podcast Feb. 14, 2020: Bids and Turning Towards with Dr. Don Cole


ADHD and New Possibilities in a Post-Covid 19 World


ADHD Attention : Show You Care