ADHD and New Possibilities in a Post-Covid 19 World

I’ve been avoiding posting on my blog.

I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing, during this coronavirus quarantine.

Maybe writing about ADHD and life will seem off-topic, insensitive, or clueless.

So what motivated me was my own need to stay in communication, and to let you know I’m thinking of you. And ADHD!

Some people are unable to work. Some are having to work from home, without the routines, structures, and companionship they were used to. Some are having to care for children and provide them structure in addition to “work”. Some are dealing with sickness. All of us are feeling anxiety and fear, for our own well-being, for others; and loss, for our ways of experiencing human connection.

At the same time: Has anyone else noticed a feeling of greater peacefulness from less to plan for? I feel bad even writing that out loud, but I feel it.

Maybe because daily life has strangely slowed down and developed different challenges, I find that bigger-picture goals are getting more of my attention - even though I’m not sure what the future will look like, or how we will do things. This time is suddenly requiring creativity; what to do is not so obvious. We’re in the mix.

Right now, our action steps might be around strategizing for the goal of obtaining toilet paper. Or we might suddenly be spending our time sewing face masks, which was not something on our list. But here we are.

I think people with ADHD are particularly valuable right now and going forward. We’ve always seen new possibilities. Now, the world needs new possibilities.

I hope this finds you well.



Getting Motivated with ADHD: The Neuroscience


Podcast Recommendation: Communication Skills for Strong Relationships