ADHD Attention : Show You Care

People with ADHD are often caught up in their own experience of life, so much so that they forget to pay attention to others.

This can be interpreted by those around them to mean that they don’t care. After all, attention, like time, is a form of currency. “Paying attention” means giving something of value. Paying attention is how you show you care.

If you are someone with ADHD, you will benefit from an intentional practice of giving your attention to those you care about.

Perhaps because of their heightened inner experience, those with ADHD can mis-read the objective of relationships as being liked, or tolerated, rather than as being an active participant in a relationship; relating.

It is easy, with ADHD, to completely miss what others need.

And that’s why I’m bringing it up in this space, to both point it out and to suggest taking on relationships, as a self-supporting practice.

One aspect of being able to build relationships with others is learning to manage yourself through your own experience and become a good companion for yourself. This ability supports boundaries that feed healthy and mutual relationships with others.

Another practice point is to remind yourself to stop talking and let the other person talk. Show, with your time and attention, that you are interested in understanding their experience,

An intentional practice of being in relationship with others - relating - will rest your mind, enhance your perspective, give you new resources, and support you.


Podcast Recommendation: Communication Skills for Strong Relationships


Getting Started