Building Your Platform Each Day

Why routines? Why exercise? Why community? What you do each day makes up the structure that the rest of your life is built upon. This is what is meant by being “grounded.”

To show you the value of using regular activities to create a supportive platform for yourself, I want to share with you a message from my exercise studio owner, in her year-end newsletter:

“Many of you walked through private struggles with this studio as your foundation of support without any of us knowing. You fought (or fight) cancer, you lost family and friends, you lost homes, you lost jobs, you lost yourself to depression or anxiety, the list is long. I can say without hesitation that our time together kept me going during many many dark moments in the past years. The joy I find in each class, the smile from each comment on our facebook group, the positive endorphins from simply moving with so many of you at the same time to the same music - that feeling - that smile - that piece of life I get from this community - that is what I thank you for.


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