Work, Place and ADHD

Until a few months ago, for most of us, work was a place you go.

Once you arrived at “work”, it wasn’t hard to focus on your work, because, well, that’s what you do when you’re “at work.” Everything from its location, architecture, layout, equipment and furniture - even the people around you - helps direct your attention to what you are supposed to do.

If you have ADHD, these external supports probably play a big role in your productivity. They not only focus your attention by eliminating distractions, but they make it easier to get work done because everything you need is right there.

If “work” isn’t a place you go, how do you provide yourself an environment for success - your own workplace?

Some of the elements would be:

  • A dedicated place

  • Equipment that you need nearby

  • Minimized distractions

  • Keeping a schedule

  • Building in supports and motivators

You might need to create new systems to make sure you communicate with colleagues.
You may need to communicate more specifically or more formally.
You may need to establish clear boundaries around your time.

Noticing what is different, how it impacts you, and making adjustments, brings a design approach to helping yourself with a workplace that works for you.

If you want to go deeper into how our surroundings affect how we feel and what we do, read this interview with environmental psychologist Dr. Sally Augustin from the Kintopia blog of Kintone.


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