Use Your ADHD Creativity at Work - In Any Field

Bringing Out the Creativity in Others is a Creative Confidence Podcast from the design firm IDEO, featuring Rochael Adranly, IDEO partner and general counsel on tapping creativity in the legal profession.

Do you think of your chosen field as “uncreative”? And wish you had chosen differently? You might consider ways in which you do use creativity in your work - it may be more than you thought.

Human beings ARE artists. We create. We take in sensory information and from it we craft meaning and a narrative to make a story from our life experience. Our lives are our artistic product, that we create every day. And our life in the workplace is no different.

You can use your ADHD creativity - your mind that makes connections for new insights - at work in any field. With creativity comes a special charge: to learn to communicate our sight and insight outward, into the world. Communication is active; it is what empowers creative gifts and allows them impact others.

People with ADHD are found in every career, but we thrive in some situations more than others. With our minds hungry for information that stimulates thought and new ideas, we are impatient with the basics of most jobs — routine, paperwork, and bureaucracy - and that can wear us down. Reframing a complaint or a problem as information, and processing it using your creative mind, is a skill that will bring your awareness into a new source of strength.

Value your awareness and creative skills and bring them in to your day-to-day life, to inform your challenges and empower your ideas. And encourage those around you by valuing their creative gifts as well.

The full link to the Creative Confidence podcast is


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